E-marketing and
Search Engine Services

Search Engine Marketing Services

Search Engine Optimization
Pay per Click Campaigns
Link Popularity Campaigns

Search Engine Optimization

I am so pleased with the search engine results. You are the only marketing I did and I could not be more pleased with the service or the results.

Neelima Gogumalla, President
Neel Gagan

Search engine optimization is the process of getting top position in the natural, or free, search engine results. It involves five steps.

Search Engine Optimization Brainstorming

Brainstorm a list of all the potential phrases prospects would use in the search engines to find your product or service.

Strategic Keyword Research

Research these phrases in a database of over 300 million actual searches.  This ensures that the phrases on which we optimize are the phrases people are using in the search engines to find sites specific to your business.

Web Site Optimization 

There are six places where your Web site can be optimized to be as search engine friendly as possible. Provide a comprehensive site change document on the changes to be made to the Web site. (If you don’t have a Web developer, we can make these changes for you.)

Manual Submission

Search engine spiders are continually crawling the World Wide Web. It is not absolutely necessary to submit sites, but we have found that it speeds up the search engine optimization process. Manually submit the site to the top search engines and directories.

Fast AlltheWeb
Open Directory
Yahoo Search Marketing (free listings)

Monitoring and Maintenance

Begin an ongoing process of monitoring positions. Provide bi-weekly reports on current search engine standings. Adapt the site when appropriate for new search engine algorithms. Recommend Web site changes if a particular phrase is not getting top results.

Pay per Click Campaigns

Pay per Click search engine marketing gets your Web site noticeably placed in the sponsored listings of all the major search engines.  With premium listings in Yahoo Search Marketing and Google, your site will be listed in all of the major sponsored search engine  listings. You pay when someone clicks through to your site.

There are six steps in the pay per click campaign process.

Strategic Keyword Research

Research all potential key phrases in two databases to find the phrases people are using in the search engines.  Determine phrases that are being used most frequently.  Look for opportunities that offer the best value between traffic potential and cost.

Pay per Click Recommendations

Recommend up to twenty-five search phrases and suggest a projected bid amount and monthly budget.  Make recommendations for Yahoo Search Marketing and Google.

Description Recommendations

In a pay per click campaign, descriptions can be customized.  Develop suggested descriptions for Yahoo Search Marketing and Google.

Campaign Implementation

Execute the campaign.  Tailor each description and title to the key phrase targeted.

Ongoing Monitoring

Monitor bids and clickthrough rates weekly.  Modify when appropriate.


Provide monthly reports on results of pay per click campaign.  Include information on average position, number of impressions, number of clicks, clickthrough ratio, average cost, total cost and cost per click.

Link Popularity Campaigns

Link popularity is the number of external links pointing to your Web site and to its pages. Several search engines, in their algorithms for ranking Web pages, use this number. The use of link popularity measurements differs among the search engines. For some, it is very important.

Google, currently the leading search engine on the Internet, evaluates not only the number of external links, but also the quality of the links that point to your site. The calculation that Google uses is called PageRank and is based on a number of factors, with one of the major variables being the number of quality links pointing to your site.

The link popularity campaign involves four steps.

Customized Internet Research

Research the Internet for Web sites that would be appropriate for your company. Look for quality, relevant, on-topic Web sites within your industry niche. Document research identifying paid and free link opportunities. Develop a matrix that includes information on site name, URL, contact information, cost (if applicable), PageRank, traffic (if available) and other relevant information.

Links Copy Development

Develop proposed copy for links with a focus on key marketing messages.

Links Page Development

Develop links page for the Web site to foster free reciprocal linking. Add a text link from each of the Web site pages to the new links page.

Links Implementation

Submit free and paid listings, requesting reciprocal links where appropriate.

Which search engine marketing service best meets your needs? It depends on your marketing goals and the current state of your Web site. Contact us and let us help you decide.

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