Are you getting your fair share of search engine and directory traffic? ComScore Media Metrix estimates that Americans are conducting 790 million searches per week. Another survey by iProspect reveals that Internet users find Web sites by searching in the search engines 77.5% of the time. To what degree do Internet users use banner ads, email, other media Web site links and search engines for finding your products / services online?
How do you reach your prospects through search engines? You reach them by search engine marketing. Search engine marketing is the art and science of targeting specific keywords or key phrases relevant to your company, products and services, and obtaining visibility in the major search engines and directories. In other words, it is making sure your target audience can find you on the Web How does search engine marketing compare to other marketing mediums? Search engine marketing has been found to be the lowest cost of all direct marketing techniques for generating leads. In their March 2003 report, The Golden Search, US Bancorp Piper Jaffrey estimates the cost of lead generation through different direct marketing techniques.
Thus, search engine marketing can increase your leads for a fraction of the cost of other direct marketing mediums. There are two components to search engine marketing: organic search engine optimization and pay per click advertising programs. Organic search engine optimization is working with the natural algorithms of the search engines to get top results for specific key phrases. Pay per click programs are programs where you pay to be included in specific search engine results. Generally, the most effective search engine marketing campaigns utilize both approaches. We have extensive experience with both.